In its own conduct and corporate decisions and actions at home and abroad, but also in the conduct of our suppliers, Emil Frey attaches the greatest importance to compliance with all human rights and environmental laws, regulations and self-imposed compliance principles of conduct. We strive to exclude any human rights and environmental risks. In order to fulfill our responsibility, it is therefore important that we become aware of such risks and breaches of duty.
The Emil Frey has therefore set up a whistleblowing and complaints procedure that enables anyone to point out grievances in the supply chain. If desired, this can also be done completely anonymously. All reports received are immediately investigated by our human rights officer. Suspected cases are investigated and violations are followed up.
The rules of procedure underlying the whistleblowing and complaints procedure can be viewed here.
To report immediate danger to life and limb, please contact the responsible emergency services by telephone in case of doubt. Furthermore, please refrain from submitting customer inquiries or complaints about Emil Frey products via this portal and contact your dealer directly in this case. Finally, please note that deliberately false information may result in criminal and labor law consequences for you and any third parties. Please also safeguard any trade secrets of your employer.
Complaints can be submitted through the following reporting channels
complaint portal
by phone
SGP Rechtsanwälte
Bahnhofstraße 41
89231 Neu-Ulm
Digital Complaint System
Please do not enter any personal information such as your name or other information that allows conclusions to be drawn about your person.
Please make sure you are communicating over a secure internet connection. (Represented by the lock icon in your browser).
If possible, please do not use the computer at your workplace if your employer is affected by the matter you wish to report.
Rules Of Procedure
You can download the rules of procedure for the complaints procedure here: